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institute of plasma physics中文是什么意思

用"institute of plasma physics"造句"institute of plasma physics"怎么读"institute of plasma physics" in a sentence


  • 等离子体物理研究所


  • Liu fukun , male , born in 1966 , research professor of institute of plasma physics , chinese academy of sciences , professor of graduate university of chinese academy of sciences , he graduated from huazhong university of science and technology in 1989
    刘甫坤,男, 1966年生,中国科学院等离子体物理研究所研究员,中国科学院研究生院教授,博士生导师, 1989年毕业于华中科技大学。
  • The fds ( fusion design study ) team of asipp ( institute of plasma physics , chinese academy of sciences ) was formed to study possible paths for the application of fusion energy , currently working for finding the feasibility application roads of fusion energy with the study of concept design , simulation , development of related key techniques and specifying out the main issues and improving suggestions
    中国科学院等离子体物理研究所fds ( fusiondesignstudy )课题组为了探索先进核能系统以及核能系统更广泛应用途径,在五个主要评价数据库以及iaea的fendl e - 2 . 0评价数据库的基础上自主开发了多群混合评价数据库hendl1 . 0 mg ( hybridevaluatednucleardatalibrary ) 。
用"institute of plasma physics"造句  
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